Wrestling Night in Canada 033: “Won-der-ful!”

A great hero is only as good as it’s evil adversary. Recently the wrestling world mourned the loss of Paul Orndorff. “Mr. Wonderful” was/is one of the all time greats. He won his share of titles and headlined cards through out the territories. But Orndorff will always be one of the great heels that fuelled “Hulkamania” and drew record crowds as the then WWF steamrolled into national expansion. So this…

Wrestling Night in Canada 032: Hell in Your Ears

The wrestling world recently celebrated the anniversary of the infamous Undertaker/ Mankind “Hell In A Cell” match. Yes, that one! So this time around your favourite Canadian Boyz are talking all this HITC. We go over the origins of this unique match and structure. Then we share our own whys and wherefores. AS well, we go over the latest wave of WWE releases and writer Kenice Mobley going in the…

Wrestling Night in Canada 031: What If?

In the Marvel comic book world, the series “What If?” was a unique title asking what would happen if a certain significant event never happened. The Wonderful World of Professional Wrestling its own significant events that helped shape and mold what we enjoy today. With the recent criticisms AEW has been taking for signing past WWE greats, its time to point out that league jumping has been going on since…

Wrestling Night in Canada 030: Play That Funky Music

In today’s pro wrestling world, ring entrance music’s making up a good portion of a wrestler’s identity. At one point it was a rarity. Now with such a strong emphasis on the televised presentation, every wrestler/faction has its own music as they strut their stuff to the ring. It can be very effective. But sometimes not so much. Music has always been subjective though. So for this episode’s “Turnbuckle Talk”,…

Wrestling Night in Canada 029: Flying Bri Again

The new season of “The Dark Side Of The Ring” is off and running. At this writing, we’re three episodes in with the life and death of Brian Pillman and the violent world of Nick Gage. So it’s a good opportunity to share our thoughts so far. Which also gives way to this episode’s “Turnbuckle Talk”. “Flyin” Brian Pillman has gone down in infamy for al the wrong reasons. But…

Wrestling Night in Canada 028: More Horsemen

The original NWA Four Horsemen were the epitome of the wrestling “faction”. The idea was to bring together the top heels of the territory with the same philosophy. For the first few years, it was pure mat magic. But as Crockett promotions began to give way to WCW, the magic fizzled. More and more new members were added that just didn’t first the mold. Almost tragic considering the amount of…

Wrestling Night in Canada 027: Nasty Boyz

‘Mania might be in the rearview mirror but there’s still plenty to discuss. And we have a rather unique interview as well. “Nasty Ronnie” is most noted for being the vocalist of legendary heavy metal band Nasty Savage. Old time wrestling fans though will remember him from his days in the 80s Florida territories. He brought his outrageous stage antics to the squared circle when he was discovered by none…

Wrestling Night in Canada 026: Hall of Shame

Wrestlemania is upon us once again. This time of year always seems to get the fan juices flowing as everything starts falling into place. The build up and match announcements. The behind the scenes shenanigans. The Tuesday morning booking. And, of course, the WWE Hall Of Fame. The validity of the HOF can’t really be debated. It’s basically just programming for the Network leading up to the Big Event. But…

Wrestling Night in Canada 025: Big Jim Jr.

Jim Crockett Jr.’s reputation for being an all time mover and shakers in the wrasslin’ world cannot be denied. He was the head honcho at JCP (Jim Crockett Promotions, as in senior) for many years. Mr. Crockett took the regional Mid Atlantic territory and brought it the national prominence that would become Dubya – C – Dubya. So with his recent passing we chose to discuss some of the highlights…

Wrestling Night in Canada 024: P.W.I. Rear Enders

2021 is off and running. But at the WNIC offices, the year’s not a wrap without the annual Pro Wrestling Illustrated Year End Awards issue in our hot little fists. These awards have had your Cool Uncle Snowy’s attention since the mid-80s. For Matt and Ducky, they are relatively new. So for this week’s “Turnbuckle Talk” we test the rookie’s mettle with these prestigious awards. Look or this to be…

Wrestling Night in Canada 023: Special (?) Guest Star

The use of celebrity guests on a special event is nothing new to the Wraslin’ World. From the early appearance of the legendary Mahammad Ali in Japan and the myriad of guests at the early “Manias all the way to today. Now with the angles featuring Bad Bunny (huh??) and Shaq capturing headlines, it’s time to focus this episode’s “Turnbuckle Talk” to special guest appearances of the past. From the…

Wrestling Night in Canada 022: An Edgy Episode

With the Royal Rumble still fresh in the minds of mat fans, we figure this is a good time to discuss all things Edge! Being a Good Canadian Boy himself, we ‘ve followed The Enigmatic One from his humble beginnings on the local indie scene all the way to his magical “Wrestlemania”moment. So with this edition of “Turnbuckle Talk”, we go thru the in and outs, ups and downs, and…