Wrestling Night in Canada 057: Sethamania

Finally, AEW Dynamite has come back (for the first time) to Winnipeg…Manitoba, Canada! For at least one night our humble hometown has been a wrestling hotbed again. Seeing that the River City is home to Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho, it was a no brainer to have a Dynamite here. And 2/3 of your 3/4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse were there. So for this episode’s “Turnbuckle Talk” we go over…

Wrestling Night in Canada 055: Mac Is Back

A little late getting this episode out, but no better time getting caught up than the present. This time ’round it was all about the return of Vince McMahon. Love him or hate him, Vinny Mac always seems to get the wrestling world pumped, be it positive or negative. So we go over the whys and wherefores of Vince’s return and what it may mean to pro wrestling. In our…

Wrestling Night in Canada 054: They’re All Tens

As is tradition ’round the WNIC offices, we’ve got the “PWI Women’s 150” in our hot little fists. It holds a number of pleasant surprises and a few disappointments. Either way it always makes for interesting reading and conversation. Spoiler Alert – we go over the Top Ten in our “Turnbuckle Talk”. As always we go over al the news and views thru out the Wrasslin World. So grab a…

Wrestling Night in Canada 053: You Might Be A Mark

Everybody is familiar with the comedian Jeff Foxworthy. One of his most famous lines is “You might be a redneck if…” One of wrestling’s most widely used kayfabe expressions is “mark”. The concise definition has changed and evolved over the years. But the premise is always the same. And there are many examples of things wrasslin’ fans do and say that could brand them a “mark”. So with this episodes…

Wrestling Night in Canada 052: A Plus Episode

The fall out from All Out grabbed a majority of the headlines and attention. So much it overshadows the fact that the event represents the one year (ballpark) anniversary of the debut of AEdub’s biggest and brightest. So with the recent return of the school year, we thought we’d give our grades for the first year for CM Punk, Brian Danielson, Adam Cole (Bay Bay) and Ruby Soho. As well,…

Wrestling Night in Canada 051: “Fall Out”

Whoa! AEW just put on a helluva show with the “All Out” PPV. Unfortunately, it’s not the great matches that will go down in history. Right after the show and the usual media scrum, the fit hit the shan. But we had pressed “Stop” before the fall out of CM Punk’s controversial statements were made public. What we did get definitely makes for a memorable discussion. We also go over…

Wrestling Night in Canada 050: Backin’ Up Our Big Mouths

One thing we’ve never been accused of is not having a big mouth. When it’s warranted we can be quite critical of our beloved sport. Particularly when it comes to the WWF/E. But now with the retirement of vince and son in law Triple H in the creative head honcho chair, we’re optimistic for the future. So this week’s “Turnbuckle Talk” we decided to put our money where our mouths…

Wrestling Night in Canada 049: “You’re… Retired!!”

The number one issue within the Wrasslin’ World is the retirement of Vince MacMahon. Recent sex scandals aside, Vinnie Mac has always been a controversial, and polarizing, figure. Fans that discovered pro wrestling with the WWF/E can have a favourable opinion of him. While the more old schoolers see him as the Devil Incarnate, destroying the once great sport of wrestling. Our Mom’s always said “Don’t speak ill of the…

Wrestling Night in Canada 048: Secondary Title??!!

Sorry folks, a little late in getting this episode up. But it’s worth the wait. The World title in any organization is the top prize. Raising the championship belt after vanquishing the champion is the dream. But there have ben matches and angles where the secondary titles i.e. WWE/F Intercontinental and NWA/WCW US title have surpassed The Big One in terms of storytelling and fan interest. Steamboat/Savage at Mania 3…

Wrestling Night in Canada 047: T And A 2022: Talent and Athletes.

Interest in women competing in the Squared Circle is at an all time high. Sparked by the Women’s Revolution, every major organization now has a strong roster of female athletes. More importantly, they’re being featured high atop the card now. It wasn’t always like this. During the territory days, women’s matches were seen as a gimmick. It was worse during the Monday Night Wars, with the ladies being reduced down…

Wrestling Night in Canada 046: Jumping The Shark

There’s an old adage – “All good things must come to an end”. Unfortunately, this is all too true for the Wonderful World of Pro Wrestling. Ever since the national expansion, a number of major, thriving territories and federations have packed up their rings and went home. The demise of these didn’t exactly happen overnight. It was a gradual process from an exact moment where the league “jumped the shark”….