Turnbuckle Throwbacks 470: All Hail The Christmas King Of Basic Cable!

It’s the show’s 10th Xmas party extravaganza. Hammer joins Phil as they talk about their favorite all time xmas presents, wrestling figs, and talk about some of the best matches of 2022. “Maniac” Matt Squires checks in with a very special Christmas road show. The boss of “Rant EM” Double A makes his final LIVE appearance on TBTB on the network. The Throwback is the 30th anniversary of STARRCADE 1992!

Turnbuckle Throwbacks 461: Humans Being

This weeks show opens celebrating the anniversary of the birth of the NWO. Vince McMahon laying out even more dough to hush up his libido. Reviewing last weeks “MITB” PPV, Last weeks AEW “Blood and Guts” and this weeks Dynamite and NXT’s “Great American Bash” events. This weeks Throwback is a Madison Square Garden WWF house show from July 30th 1983. Oh and Matt Squires makes Phil cry lol

Radioactive Metal 706: We’re a Canadian Band

As we pressed “record” on this episode, it was July 1st. Or Canada Day. Unfortunately, with the events of this year we haven’t been feeling very patriotic. But all the awesome music produced in the Great White North is always reason to celebrate. So we decided to grab a stack of Canuck wax, pour a couple drinks and shoot the shit. In other words, celebrate RAM-style. We discussed a Sacrifice/Slaughter…