ROH Revelry #157: A new era of ROH….Revelry begins

Will and High5Tom go over ROH TV 170 AND 171 as we wrap up 2014 and go into new adventures for 2015. Tunein as (spoiler alert) these TV Episodes finished off a stellar 2014. Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and enjoy because ya know we sure as…

ROH Revelry #1.156: The Final Big D*ck Battle

Will and High5Tom are joined by the Icon of VGM Big Dick Brett of the Brainbuster Boys ad Phoenix Splash podcast and dove deep into the amaziness that was Final Battle 2014. I can’t tell you how much fun this was. Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and…

ROH Revelry #1.155: ROH TV 169 and MORE

Will and High5Tom go over ROH TV 169 for what was NOT a road rage episode. So press play to find out what was on TV this week and what we thought aboat it. Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and enjoy because ya know we sure as…

ROH Revelry #1.154: ROH TV 168; The Finals Before We Battle

Will and High5Tom go over ROH TV 168 now that both Will and Tom’s internets are both back up we were able to dig into this sweet Final Battle Preview. Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and enjoy because ya know we sure as shit did.

ROH REvelry #1.152: Were We Fit To Survive?

Will and High5Tom go over ROH TV and Night Survival of the Fittest, as we lead into Final Battle (and skip Glory by Honor). Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and enjoy because ya know we sure as shit did.

ROH Revelry #1.150: ROH TV 164 and Much More!

Markin Out With High5Tom: ROH Revelry 1.150 as Will and High5Tom go over some comic news, read your QoD and oh yeah and pretty solid ROH TV 164. Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and enjoy because ya know we sure as shit did.

ROH Revelry #1.147: ROH TV 161; The Boys Are Back

Will and Tom go over ROH TV 161 and Mike Bennett’s Bachelor Party from one of H5T Top fav venue’s 115 Bourbon St .That and the usual fuckery you are used to from us. Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and enjoy because ya know we sure as…