Markin Out With High5Tom #1.74: ROH Revelry for ROH TV 88

With the recent passing of Tina Turner, one of High5Tom’s favs, he does a nice little tribute to start the show (then in the episode). Then Will and Tom dig into ROH TV episode 88 along with the Relentless house show. HOWEVER, we were not alone as the Irishmisfit joined us for a very extended Questions of Dishonor. Well, download, press play and enjoy because you know we sure as…

Markin Out With High5Tom #1.73: ROH Revelry for ROH TV 87

This week Will and Tom dig into ROH TV episode 87 but not before we talk aboat Tom finally getting his Do A Powerbomb full graphic novel and we talk about some odds and ends. Also longtime highfiver UTT Rob sends in a question which Will turns into a $5000 idea. Also we dug into another awesome Question of Dishonor from the Irish misfit. In addition to ROH TV we…

Markin Out With High5Tom #1.72: ROH Revelry for ROH TV 86

Markin Out With High5Tom: ROH Revelry 1.72. This week Will and Tom dig into the event that is Border War 2013 imminenting from Toronto and ROH TV episode 86…..kind of. If your wondering what I am typing make sure you tune in. As always we hope all the highfivers enjoyed because you know we sure shit did. Follow Tom at Follow Will at Follow Brundan at Follow…

Markin Out With High5Tom #1.71: ROH Revelry for ROH TV 85

This week our guest host streak continues as we bring in Shining Wizards Discord family member Lol Mike Petersen to come in to talk aboat ROH TV episode 85 original air date 05/04/2013. Well okay it took a bit before we got to TV but this was a blast and we hope all the highfivers enjoy because ya sure shit did! Follow Tom at Follow Will at Follow…

Markin Out With High5Tom #1.70: ROH Revelry for ROH TV 84

Well… we had some difficulty as Tom’s fancy pants internet was wanky and he was under the weather. However we persevered to do the best we could to give the high5ers The best dive into ROH TV episode 84 original air date was 04/27/2013 we could. All in all in spite of the “obstacles” we enjoyed the shit out of this and we hope you do also. Thank you Highfivers!…

Markin Out With High5Tom 1.69: ROH Revelry for ROH TV 83

Markin Out With High5Tom: ROH Revelry 1.69 While Will returns from the land of the jajajaja and he lets us know how the trip was. Also Will reveals or finished logo so stay tuned on how to get free stickers and win free shirts. Then we dive into ROH TV episode 83 original air date was 04/20/2013. (Yup our 69th episode was for TV from 04/20) All in all we…

Markin Out With High5Tom #1.68: ROH Revelry for Supercard Of Honor 2013

While Will is out of the country in the land of the jajajaja’s the third member of the Triumvirate that is ROH Revelry the Irish Misfit Brunden joins High5Tom to cover Supercard of Honor 2013 and ROH TV episode 82. Along with a great question of dishonor from Your too Slow Will and the usual tangents we had alot of fun. Hope all the high fivers enjoy because you know…

Markin Out With High5Tom: ROH Revelry 1.67

This week Will and Tom recap Episode 81 of ROH TV original airdate 04/05/2013. Which it turns out was the Go Home show for the upcoming Supercard of Honor. In addition, as deep diving into that TV we did have the House show “War” from Asheville highlighted by a fantastic match between the American Wolves and CC Wrestle factor along with what may turn out to be an historic Main…

Markin Out With High5Tom: ROH Revelry 1.66

This week Will and Tom recap Episode 80 of ROH TV original airdate 03/30/2013. However… we were not alone as our good friend and SWP family member David Henry Bauer III joined us. This was great reunion and had a great time choppin it up aboat ROH TV circa 2013. At the end of the day we hope everyone enjoys it because we sure as shit did.

Markin Out With High5Tom: ROH Revelry Bonus Watchalong 2

This week Will and Tom present their Second bonus episode of ROH Revelry, when we bring in reinforcements to go over what might be the most important match in ROH History Samoa Joe vs Kenta Kobashi from 10/01/2005. In addition Will and I and also the third member of this Triumvirate Brunden, making his Markin Out with High5Tom debut, Big Dick Brett Jager of the Brainbuster Boys. This was awesome…