ROH Revelry #163: Laptops Don’t Eat Tuna Salad

ROH Revelry 163–This week Will and The High5Tom go over ROH TV 177 and we dive into our first “live” event for 2015. THis was a doozy fo sho. Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and enjoy because ya know we sure as shit did.

ROH Revelry #161: One Dirty… Bad*ss Episode

This week Will and The High5Tom field a Canadian Sandwich of #QoD and pontificate on how GCW would do with ROH stars all before we go over a jam packed ROH TV 175. At the end of the day we confirm from last week that Will is indeed a Clairvoyant. Hope everyone enjoys because ya know we sure as shit did.

ROH Revelry #160: Is Will A Clairvoyant?

ROH Revelry 160 Will and High5Tom go over ROH TV 174 as Will and The High5Tom go over 160 but not before some additional QoD content and in this episode we confirm that Will was indeed booking for ROH in 2015. As mentioned in the episode, support or friend Baurhausen to get him back on his feet. Fundraiser by David Bauer : Urgent: $2500 Needed for Car Repairs Also who…

ROH Revelry #159: The Revelry Continues

ROH Revelry 158 Will and High5Tom go over ROH TV 173 as we discuss (spoilers alert) a very hot start to 2015. Man this is gonna be a fun ride. Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and enjoy because ya know we sure as shit did.

ROH Revelry #158: So long 2014 lets go 2015

Will and High5Tom go over ROH TV 172 as we discuss all the happenings from 2014 and looking forward to what 2015 will bring us. Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and enjoy because ya know we sure as shit did.