Radioactive Metal 730: The 2022 Rammy Awards

It’s that time again! We like to put a big black bow on the year with our annual Rammy Awards. Sort of our own unique take on the Grammy Awards. The Rammys is our year end showcase where we share our faves of ’22 in the categories that mean the most to Metalheads. Namely, a.o. Band, Album, Song and Live. As well, we have our inductees into the Radioactive Metal…

Radioactive Metal 729: 19…19…1983

Goodbye 2022! Hails and Horns to 2023! This new year marks the 40th (!!) anniversary of the year 1983. It was a pivotal year for our beloved genre. There were some major band formations of some of our most renowned outfits. As well, we saw some key album releases that would go to become Metal classics. So we’re ringing in ’23 by doing a deep dive into ’83. In our…

Radioactive Metal 728: Rest In Power, Bob!

We ended ’22 with some absolutely gut wrenching news. We lost documentarian, journalist and all around great guy, Bob Nalbandian. Bob’s credentials are vast. He’s worked with renowned record labels and wrote for promininent magazines. Most importantly, he was a friend. RAM was on the ground floor in podcasting. As was his “Shockwaves” program. So of course we became fast friends. So this time ’round we forsake most of our…

Radioactive Metal 727: Is That You, Lemmy?

We love the innovation and creativity that Metaldom never gets from Joe and Jane Average. One such examples is the new Motorhead “Bad Magic” box set. This new take on Lemmy and The Boy’s final full lengther has all kinds of cool goodies. A new track, a live show and an interview with Lemmy himself. But the topper is a ouija board (!) with an “Ace Of Spades” planchette. With…

Radioactive Metal 726: Hit The Lux

Every time Metallica releases something new (or when Lars takes a leak for that matter) it seems to get the citizens of Metaldom into a tizzy. For good or bad. And it’s no exception with the release of the new “Lux Aeturna” single and the “72 Seasons” album cover. So we gave it a few spins and we weigh in on all the hub-bub, Bub. But no spoiler. Listen along…

Radioactive Metal 725: Black Metal Vacation

Even internet radio show hosts need a vacation sometime. RAM may have been silent last week but we were hardly slacking ass. We gathered up the Missus and few close friends and hit the Messes Des Morte black metal festival in Montreal. As much as we love Old Scratch’s fave tunes, three straight days was a little much for us. So we enlisted the BM expertise of good friend and…

Radioactive Metal 724: RSD – Black Friday

It’s looking like Record Store Day is getting in on the Black Friday craze. RSD is a fave holiday (yeah we said it). So we’re thrilled to be a getting an extra day out of the deal. As is tradition around here we sat down and went over all the special RSD releases that have our names on them. So pull up the RSD website now, pour a Lemmy and…

Radioactive Metal 723: That Toxic Show – Exodus Special

The Bay Strikes Back tour has struck. Testament and Death Angel were awesome as always. But this time ’round it was the mighty Exodus selling the show for us. So while we’re still riding the musical high of finally seeing Zetro live for the first time, we decided to give the Toxic Quintet the spotlight treatment. We enlisted the Exodus expertise of one Matt Copper, co-host of our sister show…

Radioactive Metal 722: In Jello We Trust – tribute to D.H. Peligro

Recently we lost one of the all time greats in Dead Kennedys drummer D.H. Peligro. This loss was particularly tough as our DK fandom goes back to the band’s glory years while we are still in high school. We discovered Jello and the boys along with RAM alum Mark Buell. Mr. Buell is one of the minds behind Connect Humanity, an organization dedicated to bringing the internet to isolated Indigenous…

Radioactive Metal 721: Halloween Party!

Happy Halloween, Boils and Ghouls! Since this episode drops just days before All Hallow’s Eve, we figure it’s time for a Halloween party, RAM style. Around here that means a bunch of goofy talk and a stack o’wax! We give our full review of Rob Zombie’s “The Munsters” flick. As well, we give our recommends for music and comics to get you in the spirit of the season. Musically, we…

Radioactive Metal 720: Sweet Sixteen

Happy Bday to us!! This week’s episode marks the 16th anniversary of Radioactive Metal being on the air. RAM’s humble beginnings were two dedicated Metalheads goofing around in the basement. All at a time when podcasts were barely a thing. Now all these years later and…nothing’s changed. We’re still luvin’ what we’re doing on a weekly basis. So to celebrate we let our hair down, had a couple adult bevies…

Radioactive Metal 719: Raisin’ Hell – ”Hellraiser” Watch Along

Heavy Metal has always had a strong connection and relationship to the wonderful world of Horror. The #1 topic of discussion amongst Horror conisseurs is the new “Hellraiser” adaptation on Hulu. It’s already proving to be a divisive little flick. But what is certain is the impact that the Hellraiser franchise has had on the Metal world. The third installment “Hellraiser 3: Hell On Earth” produced not one but two…