Radioactive Metal 825: An Infectious Album

Welcome to #2 of our 40th Anniversary Deep Dive Album Spotlight. Last time we focused on Motley Crue’s “Theatre of Pain”, an album that epitomized ‘Hair Metal’. This time we’re going to the opposite end of the spectrum. NY thrashers Anthrax’ second effort “Spreading The Disease” was an important album. Not just for the band, but the Metal underground in general. Along with some of their Big 4 brethren’s key…

Radioactive Metal 824: Let’s Go Shopping

The countdown’s on!! Record Store Day is generally a big f’n deal around the RAM offices. April 12 is when it all goes down and the first step is the release of the RSD Special Albums list. Another tradition is going over the list on the air. We scroll the list and make our picks for what we hope to find on The Big Day. So go to, find…

Radioactive Metal 823: RnRHOF

Every year the nominees for the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame always seem to raise eyebrows and get tongues wagging. Over the last couple years, the controversy generally is about what exactly constitutes inclusion. Semantics aside, we enjoy getting “The List” and this year we’re taking a cue from “High Infidelity” and making our Top 5 list of choices. Who you got? In our “News, Views and Tunes”, we…

Radioactive Metal 822: And The Nominees Are…

It’s that time again. Our little longtime listeners know what the Juno Awards (Canada’s answer to the Grammies) mean to us. At least the Metal category, being two time judges ourselves. So we’re stoked for this year’s nominees. Especially since four out of five are Radioactive Metal alum. So in the spirit of the Junos, we go over the list and “cast our vote” over the air. You’ll find making…

Radioactive Metal 821:Too Much Information

As we move along in life we pick up (hopefully) little bits of information. It’s mostly info that isn’t too groundbreaking or Earth shattering. But in the context of our beloved genre, these tidbits become downright interesting. Over the past little while we’ve been compiling out own list of musical trivialities and this week we’re sharing a handful of them. We hope we informed as well as entertained. In our…

Radioactive Metal 820: Theatre Of Hair

With 1985 celebrating its 40th anniversary, it’s time to kick off this year’s Deep Dive series on cool albums turning 40. 1985 was an interesting year. That year could be argued to be the year that really kick started “hair” metal. And Motley Crue’s “Theatre of Pain” was leading the pack. Gone were the studs and satanic imagery replaced by the pink scarves and hairspray. Nikki Sixx was leaning into…

Radioactive Metal 819: Turning The Knobs

As dedicated Metalheads, we all have those special albums near and dear to our Metal Hearts. I’m talking that collection of songs that changed our lives. It got us thinking how cool it would have been to be in the studio when these masterpieces took shape. Either as a fly on the wall or giving our 2 cents. Even getting coffee or going on beer runs would’ve been cool. So…

Radioactive Metal 818: 85 Is 40

A new year always means more important anniversaries. We hate to remind our more veteran listeners that the year 1985 is 40 (!!) years old now! It was an important and pivotal year for Metaldom, to which the effects are still being felt today. So this time we’re going deep into ’85. We’re going over some of the fantastic albums that hit the racks and some of the amazing bands…

Radioactive Metal 817: The 2024 Rammy Awards!

It’s not over until…we’ve had our Rammy Awards. Basically, the Rammies are our take on the Grammies. Meaning we make our picks for the “Best Of” for the year that was. In the categories that mean the most to Metalheads; Band, Album, Live, News Story a.o. As well, as is tradition, we give our inductions into the RAM Hall of Hall for Band, Album and what we call Myth and…

Radioactive Metal 816: On The Board Again

Aaron has become a proud papa again. First when his offspring came into the world. Second when his little girl asked for a skateboard. Excited as we are to commemorate this event, we felt it was a good time to discuss all things skating. We discuss our first decks, “skate” music, Thrasher mag and the skateboards impact on pop culture. We even invited Snowy’s board Betsy to sit in with…

Radioactive Metal 815: NYE with RAM!

Happy New Year!! 2024 is coming to an end, so consider this episode the Radioactive Metal New Year’s Eve party. This time we pour some bevvies, crank some tunes and talk about… whatever. You know, like a party. And what’s a party without good friends? So we pour a Lemmy for our bud and sister podcast Wrestling Night in Canada co host Mr. Matt Copper. We yap about new movies,…

Radioactive Metal 814: Nicko’s Retirement Party

The biggest news on the hearts and minds of Metalheads the world over is the retirement of long time Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain. Having been behind the kit since the classic ’83 record “Piece Of Mind”, Metaldom just won’t be the same. As is tradition, every significant retirement requires a proper send off. So we decided to have one for our listeners. We go over our fave Nicko skinbeating…