Mark Order Podcast 013: Lucky Number 13

Anthony and Kate are back while Matt explores his new passion. The crew chats about some recent life events before getting a Little Tip of the Schlong as where they discuss AEW Dark Elevation & AEW Dark. After a brief commercial break, the team discusses Friday night AEW Dynamite. They break down each match, segment, and weigh in with our opinions and have a lot of laughs before talking about…

Mark Order Podcast 012: A-E-Dubs and Strip Clubs

Anthony and Kate are back while Matt deals with some issues. The crew talks about the Main Event of Impact’s Against All Odds PPV before getting a Little Tip of the Schlong as we discuss AEW Dark Elevation & AEW Dark. After a brief commercial break, we talk about our broadcast setups and strip club antics before finally bringing it back to Friday night AEW Dynamite. We break down each…

Mark Order Podcast 009: Double or Nothing Preview

Its Wednesday Night, You Know What That Means Even though there is no AEW Dynamite this Wednesday Night, Kate, Ant and Matt get together to preview the big PPV this weekend. A Little Tip of the Schlong is still featured as Ryan joins us to give us his review of AEW Dark Elevation & AEW Dark After the break we preview next week’s Dynamite, then get to business with the…

Mark Order Podcast 008: Fan Fiction

Its Wednesday Night, You Know What That Means Kate, Anthony & Matt are back talking all things All Elite Wrestling. We talk a bit about Impact, and why it seems like Kenny Omega being World Champion has flatlined Schlong joins us to talk AEW Dark Elevation & AEW Dark We take a deep dive into AEW Dynamite, the new TV Deals, & much more. This is a jam packed show…

Mark Order Podcast 006: Blood and Guts

It’s Wednesday Night, You Know What That Means Kate, Anthony & Matt are back to talk all things AEW The Mark Order catches up with each other since the last show Ryan Schlong joins the crew to talk AEW Dark Evolution & AEW Dark He gives us his top 3 matches between the 2 shows, and gives us a break down of each show After a commercial break we are…

Mark Order Podcast 005: Willy Pipp

Its Wednesday, You Know What That Means Another week of AEW wrestling to cover Matt and Ant kick off the show catching up & Matt unboxes his Series 4 while they talk about figures, he pulls a CHASE Figure, which was pretty awesome. They talk a little about Kenny Omega’s big win on Sunday at Impact’s Rebellion PPV before being joined by Ryan Schlong to talk AEW Dark Elevation &…

The Mark Order Podcast 004: Baseball and Battle

It’s Wednesday Night, You Know What That Means The crew is back and ready to entertain. After catching up with each other the crew somehow gets on to talking about baseball, and they name their top 3 baseball movies, then thanks to the Facebook Live feed go down a strange rabbit hole of baseball movies. Finally we shift gears into the world of AEW. Can AEW maintain 1 million viewers…

The Mark Order Podcast 003: Mike Tyson’s Punch Out

Its Wednesday, you know what that means Anthony & Kate are back to bring you all things AEW Talking AEW Dark Elevation, AEW Dark, Rankings, AEW News and Notes from the week and of course AEW Dynamite They take a deep dive into this week’s episode, from the best tag match in Dynamite History, to the TNT Championship Match and everything in between. It’s your must listen too show if…

The Mark Order Podcast 002: All Lubed Up

The Mark Order is back for another week of AEW Wrestling. Ant, Kate and Matt catch up on the week that was. Juggalos, baseball talk, Ant got AEW Series 4 today, and more. Right down the rabbit hole with the AEW House Show this Friday, and Chris Jericho on Broken Skull Sessions Little talk about AEW Dark Elevation & AEW Dark. Run down of the AEW Rankings for April 7th…

The Mark Order Podcast 001: Welcome to the Mark Order

The Mark Order Podcast is your entry into the world of All Elite Wrestling Every Wednesday Night join Anthony, Kate, and Matt as they go through the world of AEW and talk all things All Elite. We introduce the show this evening, follow up on what we’ve been up too in the last week, then get into the world of AEW From AEW Elevation, AEW Dark, Rankings, Cross Promotion and…