Wrestling Night in Canada 048: Secondary Title??!!

Sorry folks, a little late in getting this episode up. But it’s worth the wait. The World title in any organization is the top prize. Raising the championship belt after vanquishing the champion is the dream. But there have ben matches and angles where the secondary titles i.e. WWE/F Intercontinental and NWA/WCW US title have surpassed The Big One in terms of storytelling and fan interest. Steamboat/Savage at Mania 3…

Radioactive Metal 707: Howling At The Moon – interview with Deadwolff

Now here’s an outfit that makes us howl! T.O.’s Deadwolff impressed us last year when their self titled EP came across our desk. The ‘Wolff are a cool Canadian trio heavily influenced by the early 80s HR/NWOBHM with a modern flare. So when they recently came through town we jumped at the opportunity to turn a Wednesday night into a Saturday night! We sat down with the entire pack and…

Mark Order 068: Wednesday Night Hayter Fest

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s a new episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney, Kate The Great, and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by recapping Rampage, breaking down week one of Fyter Fest on Dynamite, running down the RoH Death Before Dishonor card, and discussing everything from the past week in AEW. Before that, the gang get a…

Shining Wizards 593: Falling off a Cliff

Monday Night, and You Know What That Means Another episode of your favorite wrestling podcast Right from the start, Matt is annoyed at the committee, he want’s to challenge for the Can You Beat That Title. We catch up on the week that was for us, Kevin’s computer kicked the bucket, Tony & Matt had uneventful weeks. This leads us to the latest in the Vince McMahon news. He’s paying…

Turnbuckle Throwbacks 461: Humans Being

This weeks show opens celebrating the anniversary of the birth of the NWO. Vince McMahon laying out even more dough to hush up his libido. Reviewing last weeks “MITB” PPV, Last weeks AEW “Blood and Guts” and this weeks Dynamite and NXT’s “Great American Bash” events. This weeks Throwback is a Madison Square Garden WWF house show from July 30th 1983. Oh and Matt Squires makes Phil cry lol

Radioactive Metal 706: We’re a Canadian Band

As we pressed “record” on this episode, it was July 1st. Or Canada Day. Unfortunately, with the events of this year we haven’t been feeling very patriotic. But all the awesome music produced in the Great White North is always reason to celebrate. So we decided to grab a stack of Canuck wax, pour a couple drinks and shoot the shit. In other words, celebrate RAM-style. We discussed a Sacrifice/Slaughter…

Mark Order 067: We Have Our Fingers

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s a new episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by recapping The Rampage, breaking down Dynamite, and discussing everything from the past week in AEW. Before that, the 2 Live Crew of The Mark Order Podcast talk about what they have been up to, the Fourth of…

Radioactive Metal 705: Father Punk – interview with Day Glo Abortions

If you’re listening to this on Day One, Happy July 1st – Canada Day! There’s no better way to enjoy the holiday than with an interview with a legendary Canadian punk band. Day Glo Abortions are no strangers to RAM. Vox/Axeman Murray The Cretin has graced us with his presence so often now we should just set up a cot beside our recording mic. It was a long sweltering night,…