Radioactive Metal 726: Hit The Lux

Every time Metallica releases something new (or when Lars takes a leak for that matter) it seems to get the citizens of Metaldom into a tizzy. For good or bad. And it’s no exception with the release of the new “Lux Aeturna” single and the “72 Seasons” album cover. So we gave it a few spins and we weigh in on all the hub-bub, Bub. But no spoiler. Listen along…

Mark Order 090: Winter Has Come

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s another episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney, Kate The Great, and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by recapping the Rampage, talking about the Ring of Honor Final Battle PPV, discussing Dynamite, and talking about all things AEW from the past week. Before that, the Three Blind Mice of the Mark Order announce…

Shining Wizards 615: CHUDS

It’s Wrestling Talk….and Talk About Wrestling Matt Is the Lucky Pierre tonight with KJG & Handsome Kevin The boys catch up, as we hear about JJ Rouge’s weekend and working with Eugene aka Nick Dinsmore before they jump into Ring of Honor’s Final Battle. We talk about the card, the Double Dog Collar Match, Jericho tapping to the Swing, is ROH Garbage and the newly announced Honor Club and what…

Mark Order Bonus Episode 7: Ring of Honor Final Battle 2022

It’s Saturday Night, and You Probably Don’t Know What That Means. It’s a special BONUS episode of the Mark Order Podcast here for you after Ring of Honor’s Final Battle PPV! AntMoney and Ryan Schlong were joined by special guest Danny Magic to talk about the Zero Hour pre-show, Final Battle 2022, and the Ring of Honor TV news that broke in the media scrum. In addition to recapping the…

Radioactive Metal 725: Black Metal Vacation

Even internet radio show hosts need a vacation sometime. RAM may have been silent last week but we were hardly slacking ass. We gathered up the Missus and few close friends and hit the Messes Des Morte black metal festival in Montreal. As much as we love Old Scratch’s fave tunes, three straight days was a little much for us. So we enlisted the BM expertise of good friend and…

Mark Order 089: Controlling Our Narrative

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s another episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney, Kate The Great, and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by recapping the Rampage, discussing Dynamite, and talking about all things AEW from the past week. Before that, the Trios Champs of the Mark Order talk about what they’ve been up to, baseball free agency, and…

Shining Wizards 614: BEST PIZZA CHEF

It’s Wrestling Talk and Talk About Wrestling The fellas quickly catch up with each other before being joined by the one and only Luigi Primo. The Best Pizza Chef in all the land. We talk about Pineapples on Pizza, his favorite toppings, working in AEW, going to Japan, and much more. It’s a real fun interview and a great talk with one of the best characters in the professional wrestling…

Wrestling Night in Canada 053: You Might Be A Mark

Everybody is familiar with the comedian Jeff Foxworthy. One of his most famous lines is “You might be a redneck if…” One of wrestling’s most widely used kayfabe expressions is “mark”. The concise definition has changed and evolved over the years. But the premise is always the same. And there are many examples of things wrasslin’ fans do and say that could brand them a “mark”. So with this episodes…