Radioactive Metal 728: Rest In Power, Bob!

We ended ’22 with some absolutely gut wrenching news. We lost documentarian, journalist and all around great guy, Bob Nalbandian. Bob’s credentials are vast. He’s worked with renowned record labels and wrote for promininent magazines. Most importantly, he was a friend. RAM was on the ground floor in podcasting. As was his “Shockwaves” program. So of course we became fast friends. So this time ’round we forsake most of our…

Mark Order 093: A New Era of The Mark Order

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s another episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney, Kate The Great, and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by recapping the Rampage, discussing the start of the new era of Dynamite, and talking about all things AEW from the past week. Before that, the gang is joined by Millionaire Matt to talk about NJPW…

Shining Wizards 618: That’s Swank

Happy New Year! The Wizards are back with the 1st show of 2023 After the boys catch up about their New Years activities they dive into the world of professional wrestling Matt got all jacked up for the Muta/Nakamura match & ended up signing up for the Pro Wrestling NOAH Streaming service. Matt talks about the show itself, gushes over the Muta/Nakamura match and ponders why Nakamura isn’t a bigger…

Mark Order 092: Sam Houston and Nips

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s another episode of the Mark Order Podcast! Kate The Great, and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by recapping the Rampage, discussing the New Years’ episode of Dynamite, and talking about all things AEW from the past week. Before that, we get a special guest drop in, learn about weird dreams, talk about our…

Shining Wizards 617: Tommy’s Place

The boys are live in studio with Phil Raia from the Turnbuckle Throwbacks. It’s a night of pizza, wrestling talk, and a run-in from T3. After some great talk, the guys cover the December 22, 1997 episode of Monday Night Raw. We hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

Turnbuckle Throwbacks 470: All Hail The Christmas King Of Basic Cable!

It’s the show’s 10th Xmas party extravaganza. Hammer joins Phil as they talk about their favorite all time xmas presents, wrestling figs, and talk about some of the best matches of 2022. “Maniac” Matt Squires checks in with a very special Christmas road show. The boss of “Rant EM” Double A makes his final LIVE appearance on TBTB on the network. The Throwback is the 30th anniversary of STARRCADE 1992!

Wrestling Night in Canada 054: They’re All Tens

As is tradition ’round the WNIC offices, we’ve got the “PWI Women’s 150” in our hot little fists. It holds a number of pleasant surprises and a few disappointments. Either way it always makes for interesting reading and conversation. Spoiler Alert – we go over the Top Ten in our “Turnbuckle Talk”. As always we go over al the news and views thru out the Wrasslin World. So grab a…

Radioactive Metal 727: Is That You, Lemmy?

We love the innovation and creativity that Metaldom never gets from Joe and Jane Average. One such examples is the new Motorhead “Bad Magic” box set. This new take on Lemmy and The Boy’s final full lengther has all kinds of cool goodies. A new track, a live show and an interview with Lemmy himself. But the topper is a ouija board (!) with an “Ace Of Spades” planchette. With…

Mark Order 091: A Raggedy Bitch Christmas Episode

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s another episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney, Kate The Great, and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by recapping the Rampage, discussing the Holiday Bash episode of Dynamite, and talking about all things AEW from the past week. Before that, Santa’s favorite elves of the Mark Order discuss our holiday plans, talk about…

Shining Wizards 616: Government of the Law

It’s Monday Night and the crew is back with another action packed episode The boys cover the Mandy Rose release and share their thoughts on the whole situation, and have a pretty heated debate about if she should have been fired or not. They talk about the latest episode of AEW Dynamite and the happenings of what’s going on in the WWE Universe After a quick break they talk a…