Radioactive Metal 730: The 2022 Rammy Awards

It’s that time again! We like to put a big black bow on the year with our annual Rammy Awards. Sort of our own unique take on the Grammy Awards. The Rammys is our year end showcase where we share our faves of ’22 in the categories that mean the most to Metalheads. Namely, a.o. Band, Album, Song and Live. As well, we have our inductees into the Radioactive Metal…

Turnbuckle Throwbacks 473: Listening To The Winds Of Title Changes

The show opens with a tribute to the late great Jay Briscoe who tragically past away earlier this week. Phil reveals a medical scare he had and previews the Pro Wrestling NOAH card for the Great Muta’s final match this weekend. The Throwback this are a few title changes that happened on weekly television during Phil’s childhood including the 39th anniversary of the birth of HULKAMANIA!

Mark Order 095: R.I.P. Jay Briscoe

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s another episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney, Kate The Great, and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by recapping the Rampage, discussing Dynamite, and talking about all things AEW from the past week. Before that, the three caballeros of the Mark Order Podcast are joined by Millionaire Matt to talk about his cruise…

Shining Wizards 620: NO PORTHOLES!!!!

It’s another Monday Night, and you know what that means After Tony and Handsome Kevin held it down last week, the whole crew is back this week. For some ungodly reason, they spend the first 20 minutes talking about Matt’s vacation. Did the boys hype it up too much last week? Were you disappointed? Was there a porthole? We jump into the crazy week in the WWE, Vince McMahon is…

Turnbuckle Throwbacks 472: “I don’t sell dixie cups at the K-store… BAY-BAY”

This week Phil tries to wrap his around Vince McMahon possibly selling the WWE to the Saudi’s. Stefanie McMahon gets out again while the getting is good and the product in a whole currently. Adam Cole (BAY-BAY) returns to AEW this week which brings out an interesting point of view from Bully Ray of “Busted Open” on Sirius XM regarding heels and how they should be received. The Throwback this…

Radioactive Metal 729: 19…19…1983

Goodbye 2022! Hails and Horns to 2023! This new year marks the 40th (!!) anniversary of the year 1983. It was a pivotal year for our beloved genre. There were some major band formations of some of our most renowned outfits. As well, we saw some key album releases that would go to become Metal classics. So we’re ringing in ’23 by doing a deep dive into ’83. In our…

Mark Order 094: Escalera De La Schlong

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s another episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney, Kate The Great, and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by recapping the Rampage, discussing Dynamite, and talking about all things AEW from the past week. Before that the Best Friends of the Mark Order Podcast talk about what they’ve been up to, the crazy rumors…

Shining Wizards 619: BOOYAKA!

It’s the debut of the Old Man Group as Tony and Handsome Kevin get into the wrestling talk. HK comes alive when Tony’s mom enters the chat. The guys get giggity over all the happenings at Wrestle Kingdom 17, including the debut of Mercedes Monè. Talk then turns to the biggest news so far in 2023: Vince McMahon has returned to the WWE, reinstated himself as Chairman, and sets the…

Mark Order Bonus Episode 8: 2023 Battle of the Belts V

It’s Saturday Night, and You Probably Don’t Know What That Means. It’s a special BONUS episode of the Mark Order Podcast here for you after a supersized night AEW wrestling! AntMoney, Mrs. Money, and Schlong talk about Rampage and Battle of the Belts V a day after the show happened. In addition to recapping the shows, the gang discuss what they’ve been up to, concerts, chivalry, and much more! This…