The Shining Wizards 643: Bad Dude Tito Power Company

It’s another fun filled exciting episode of your favorite wrestling podcast. Before the show kicks off Matt loses power, so the boys open the show and bust his balls about that. Danny Russ, the Voice of Reason joins the boys to talk some AEW Forbidden Door, as they unpack the card top to bottom. At some point Matt joins by his phone to chime in on the conversation. Danny bits…

The Year of Duke and Rogue: Season 5 Preview

The Year of Duke and Rogue is back with a new season and we are beyond thrilled to be done with WCW. We conducted a poll, and the results are in. This time around the guys go where they’ve never gone before : Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. TNA began a little over a year after the demise of WCW, and during its first two years in existence, they held weekly…

Markin Out With High5Tom #1.78: ROH Revelry

This week Will and High5Tom recap episode 92 of ROH TV. Now this is a special edition focused on ROH Revelry favs Dem Boys, as Mark and Jay Briscoe head to the main event of next weeks Best in the World. Will and Tom pivoted a bit as we went over the episode as yet another celebration of Mark and Jay, For a full of the life of Jay dig…

Bread Club: AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door And NJPW G1 Climax 33 Block Previews

Ciaran and Matt return for another edition of The Bread Club. On this Episode they talk about the All Together Show, preview the G1 Climax 33 Blocks, preview the only 4 matches we know for Forbidden Door, talk about the Independence Day shows and run down those cards. Tons of talk about NJPW, why Tanahashi is the guy to challenge MJF, will we see Kiyomiya in the semi finals of…

Radioactive Metal 746: ’93 Is 30

Ready to feel old? Remember the early 90s? Well, as of this year, 1993 is 30 effin’ years old! Wow! Times flies when you’re rocking and rolling. So we figured we’d do a deep dive into three decades ago and discover it wasn’t all Seattle, flannel and “hard alternative”. The year had a number of amazing albums, band debuts and news stories that rocked Metaldom. Musically, we have a stack…

Mark Order 117: Stepping Through a Canadian Door

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s another episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney, Kate the Great, and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by chatting about the debut episode of AEW Collision, discussing Dynamite, and talking about all things AEW from the past week. Before that, the Elite of The Mark Order Podcast talk about a Yogi Berra movie,…

The Shining Wizards 642: Almondhead

One of the longest running weekly wrestling shows return with a jam packed show Right out of the gate we are talking about the idea of Hulk Hogan holding Tag Team Gold in 1993. We are joined by Handsome Kevin who is supposed to be on vacation in Mexico, the angle of his camera makes him look strange. Once the show kicks off the boys catch up, Tony made a…

TOTS Pod 053: Is it really “The Best Of”?

On this episode the fellas come back with some fire and hop on the Powertown Express again as they take a look at the Series 1 Ultra figs! Plus, on the Mission they review Jakks Best of 97 Series 2, kick more bums off the Lawn, and try out a new nickname for Al! This and so much more!

30 Scream or Less 023: Malum

In this episode of the 30 Screams or Less podcast, we review the movie ‘Malum’ a remake of the movie ‘Last Shift’. Directed by Anthony DiBlasi, the original director of ‘Last Shift’ is about a rookie police officer who takes the last shift at a newly decommissioned station in an attempt to uncover the mysterious connection between her father’s death and a vicious cult. Throughout the night, she finds herself…