Brokast 166: TBK Live Stream II!

It is time to pop a couple of cold ones and enjoy as our two brothers, Alan (@alanross84TBK) and Thom (@Mr_MMAction) provide their TBK Live Stream II as they provide their predictions for AEW All In 2023 and talk Ahsoka, Fortnite and the passing of Terry Funk and Bray Wyatt.

TOTS Pod 058: Special Tribute Episode

On this episode, the fellas take a brief break from the typical shenanigans and Mission to pay tribute to Terry Funk and Bray Wyatt. They review some of their favorite Funker figs, as well as take the time to kick some folks off the lawn and talk about weekly trophies.

30 Screams or Less 033: Subject

In this episode of the 30 Screams or Less podcast, we discuss the Screambox original ‘Subject’, Directed by Tristan Barr and written by Vincent Befi and starring Tristan Barr, Nathan Barrow, and Matthew Connell is about a man on his way to prison, gets intercepted by a secretive government agency who task him to monitor a secret experiment in exchange for commuting his sentence.

Markin Out With High5Tom #1.87: ROH Revelry for ROH TV 101

This week Will and High5Tom go over ROH TV episode 101 and some Mayhem in Manhattan along with some awesome questions of dishono(u)r. We do apologize been a week but we still enjoyed and appreciate all the support Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press play and enjoy because ya…

Radioactive Metal 752: Gone To The Movies?

Couple episodes back we discussed the various unique places we’ve attended a gig. Now we can add “movie theatre” to that list. This past weekend the two Arlington, TX dates from the Metallica M72 tour were simulcast to theatres the world over. We both caught the Sunday show. And decided to go the event with a fine studded wristband. We go over the setlist, our theatre experiences and veer off…

Mark Order 126: We’re All In on All In

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s another episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney and Ryan Schlong are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by chatting about Rampage, recapping Collision, reviewing the Fyter Fest go home edition of Dynamite before All In, and talking about all things AEW from the past week. Before that, the 2 Live Crew of The Mark Order Podcast…

The Shining Wizards 651: The Gordy Hole

No Format August Continues on this run away episode of the Shining Wizards Wrestling Podcast The boys catch up, Tony has COVID, Matt can’t read texts and the Kevin’s are enjoying life to the fullest. We waste not time getting right into the world of wrestling, as we land in AEW & Tony hates that every single feud seems to be about people being friends, and then having them turn…

30 Screams or Less 032: Apostle

In this week’s episode of the 30 Screams or Less podcast we discuss the Netflix exclusive ‘Apostle’, written and directed by Gareth Evans, starring Dan Stevens, Richard Elfyn, and Paul Higgins is about a drifter in 1905 on a dangerous mission to rescue his kidnapped sister tangles with a sinister religious cult on an isolated island.