Gorilla Brain 2nd Annual GBW Festivus Special

It’s time to dust off that aluminum pole and join Al, Duke, and Kevin for the second annual Gorilla Brain Wrestling Festivus Special. In addition to the airing of grievances, the fellas discuss other elements of the classic Seinfeld episode as it pertains to professional wrestling. We wish you the best in the feats of strength and hope that you are blessed with a Festivus miracle.

Radioactive Metal 766: Goodbye 2023

As of this episode, the year is starting to wind down. But before you start rockin’ in the New Year, now is a good time to discuss some of the events that made 2023 the year that was. Without stepping on the Rammy Award’s steel toed boots, we figured we’d share the awesome albums that provided our personal soundtracks. We also pay tribute to some of our fallen comrades. We…

Wrestling Night in Canada 066: “Movie Mayhem”

Professional wrestling is a (pre determined) athletic competition. But part of the show is the certain amount of showmanship that goes into “talking them into the building”. So the skillset(s) of pro wrestlers would certainly lend themselves to other areas of entrrtainment. Namely the vast amounts of times wrestlers have graced the silver screen. A lot of ventures were less than memorable. But there were a few roles worth writing…

Mark Order 143: Bash Your Holidays!

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s a brand new episode of the Mark Order Podcast! AntMoney, Ryan Schlong, Asian Joe, and Kate the Great are here to talk about all things All Elite Wrestling by running down the results of Ring of Honor’s Final Battle 2023 PPV, recapping AEW Rampage and Collision, getting a rap performance of the Continental Collision standings at the end of week…

The Shining Wizards 668: Steroid Madonna

As the year winds down, the guys discuss whether 2023 went by too fast or too slowly. They then welcome Kyle from the Apron Bump Podcast for a new segment called “The Hardest Part of the Ring,” which no one likes and other names are suggested. The discussion is centered around AJ Styles and Liv Morgan but keeps coming back to new segment titles. At some point comparisons between Madonna…

Markin Out With High5Tom: ROH Revelry 1.103

This week Will and High5Tom and go over ROH TV 117 but before that we have a few more 5000 dollar ideas from our highfivers. If you want to know what Kasey Kasem, King Mabel, Scooby Doo and Jay Briscoe have in common…… Make sure to follow us on all the socials and our podcast families and partners below. And highfivers make sure to Tune In and Tune out, press…

Radioactive Metal 765: Messes Des Morts 2023

The Messes Des Morts in Montreal is a Black Metal festival going on for a dozen years now. The attraction to the fest is the organizers ability to attract artists from across the pond that rarely makes appearances on North American stages. We had planned to be there for this year’s instalment. Unfortunately, life had different plans. Fortunately, our good friend and co host of our sister podcast “Wrestling Night…