ROH Revelry #161: One Dirty… Bad*ss Episode

This week Will and The High5Tom field a Canadian Sandwich of #QoD and pontificate on how GCW would do with ROH stars all before we go over a jam packed ROH TV 175. At the end of the day we confirm from last week that Will is indeed a Clairvoyant. Hope everyone enjoys because ya know we sure as shit did.

Mark Order 197: AEW Dynamite Review 1/22/25

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s a brand new episode of the Mark Order Podcast! It’s just Ryan and Joe tonight. They talk about Dynamite and the news of the week. Before reviewing Dynamite, the duo talks about football and other things. This is a must-listen show if you’re an AEW fan, so be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to us on YouTube!

The Shining Wizards 725: Return of the Maccabee

The Wizards have a huge show as they kick things off with the man himself, The Mighty Maccabee, Jeff Bukantz. They talk about The Mighty Maccabee’s Farewell Match on March 2nd at Livingston High School against Crowbar. They also discuss the popularity of The Mighty Maccabee and how it came to be. It’s a fantastic interview & a must listen to conversation We are then joined by Kyle from the…

30 Screams or Less 096: Street Trash

In this episode of the 30 Screams or Less podcast we review the Screambox original ‘Street Trash’, directed by Ryan Kruger, written by Ryan Kruger, James C. Williamson, and Roy Frumkes. Starring Sean Cameron Michael (Ronald), Donna Cormack-Thomson (Alex), and Joe Vaz (Chref). The plot of the movie is a group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the…

ROH Revelry #160: Is Will A Clairvoyant?

ROH Revelry 160 Will and High5Tom go over ROH TV 174 as Will and The High5Tom go over 160 but not before some additional QoD content and in this episode we confirm that Will was indeed booking for ROH in 2015. As mentioned in the episode, support or friend Baurhausen to get him back on his feet. Fundraiser by David Bauer : Urgent: $2500 Needed for Car Repairs Also who…

Radioactive Metal 818: 85 Is 40

A new year always means more important anniversaries. We hate to remind our more veteran listeners that the year 1985 is 40 (!!) years old now! It was an important and pivotal year for Metaldom, to which the effects are still being felt today. So this time we’re going deep into ’85. We’re going over some of the fantastic albums that hit the racks and some of the amazing bands…

Mark Order 196: AEW Dynamite Review 1/18/25

It’s Wednesday Night, and You Know What That Means. It’s a brand new episode of the Mark Order Podcast! Kate and Joe are missing so Ryan is joined by JPJ and Drew from Firmly AEW! They talk about Dynamite and AEW in general. Before reviewing Dynamite, the group has a lot of fun just chatting. This is a must-listen show if you’re an AEW fan, so be sure to rate,…

The Shining Wizards 724: Open That Bitch Up

The Shining Wizards Return with a jam packed show. David Penzer & Emil Jay join the Wizards We kick things off with a Death Pool Updated as unfortunately Black Bart has passed away. We are then joined by David Penzer to talk about Sitting Ringside Volume 2, which you can find at the links below. We talk about the new book, Brian Knobbs, Cope and GCW. After Mr Penzer we…

TOTS Pod 094

The boys are back to kick sorry sacks off the lawn, brag about their trophies, and review a very special line of figures, the legendarily infamous WCW marital aid line. Tune in for all the great takes and more!