Radioactive Metal 605: Beer Me, Please – interview with Chris Dodge (Spazz, Despise You, Trappist)

Once we sat down with grindcore/powerviolence trailblazer Chris Dodge (Spazz, Depise you, Infest), we knew this was going to be a unique episode. Apart from all these amazing projects he’s plied his trade with, Mr. Dodge has left his mark on a variety of other aspects in the aggressive music community. So we sat down and had one helluva chat with the man. We discussed all his musical output, hailing…

Shining Wizards 479: JGeorge Loves His Wife

It’s a first in the Skype era of the Shining Wizards as we have our 1st guest Thunderheart J George. Everyone is doing ok, Matt is heated about the neighborhood people who don’t understand what the stay at home order is. Talk turns to J George teaming with the Warlord, which Version of Mabel did we enjoy most, the King of the Ring 95, 99 & SummerSlam 95. Plus some…

Radioactive Metal 604: Speak No Mercy – interview with Unmerciful

You have to strike while the Irons are hot. As this episode first goes to air, US death metalllers Unmerciful’s latest platter “Wrath Encompassed” will only be a week to the day on the racks. So we had to get bassist Jeremy Turner on the horn. We discussed the band’s switch to Willowtip, his live work with Cannibal Corpse, and quizzed him about any potential King Diamond jokes. But I…

Shining Wizards AEW Dynamite 4-29-20 Post Show

Matt, Kate, Anthony & Ryan are back on this chilly Wednesday Night to talk about the latest edition of AEW Dynamite. The Semi Finals of the TNT Tournament Take Place, and we find out who faces off in the Finals at AEW Double or Nothing. We talk about the NO DQ Tag Match, Wardlow, Brodie Lee, and what the road to Double or Nothing looks like. Plus lots of laughs,…

Shining Wizards 478: Shining Wizards Cup 2020

Lockdown continues, and so do the Skype shows. Kevin has been watching a lot of wrestling, Matt read an Al Snow Book, and Tony can’t say out of facebook groups. We talk some AEW, MLW, Impact, WWE & so much more. Who we like in the finals of the TNT Tournament, the AEW Rankings, MLW Fusion & what the future holds for MLW, Impacts Rebellion, WWE, Money in the Bank…

Wrestling Night in Canada 003: Future Endeavors

Traditionally, post Mania the WWE/F had a tendency of doing a lot of housecleaning. It wasn’t uncommon to see a handful of personal receiving their “future endeavors”. This year there was a record number of releases. In one day, one after another were shown in the door. So much in fact the name “Black Wednesday” was born. Endless to say, your Four Horsemen of the Apodcalypse are none to happy…

Wrestling Night in Canada 002: WrestleMania???

Just as we’re off and running with our inaugural episode, the fit hit the shan! We’re immediately expelled from our awesome Atomic 29 and banished into Skype Hades. But you’re four Horsemen of the Apodcalypse shall persevere. This same situation is also messing with our beloved sport. Just in time for Wrestlemania! Now the biggest night of the year has come and gone and this year’s ‘Mania will never be…