Mark Order Podcast 005: Willy Pipp

Its Wednesday, You Know What That Means Another week of AEW wrestling to cover Matt and Ant kick off the show catching up & Matt unboxes his Series 4 while they talk about figures, he pulls a CHASE Figure, which was pretty awesome. They talk a little about Kenny Omega’s big win on Sunday at Impact’s Rebellion PPV before being joined by Ryan Schlong to talk AEW Dark Elevation &…

Shining Wizards 530: Seeing REDD

We are back and picking up where we left off last week The boys catch up, and we find out that Tony likes to watch movies in bits and pieces. We rag on him for a while, before we turn our attention to the Mickie James garbage bag situation. We are then joined by Redd Davis, independent wrestler & from the 1st graduating class of the Rhodes Wrestling Academy. We…

Radioactive Metal 651: Radioactive Wrasslin’ – interview with Nasty Savage

More and more the connection between our beloved genre and the world of professional wrestling is getting stronger and stronger. Ring entrance music, gimmicks and, most importantly, a lot of wrestler’s themselves are real life Metalheads. One of the original crossovers is Nasty Savage maiman “Nasty” Ronnie. In our youth, we started out as Nasty Savage fans. But then we really “marked” out when Mr. Ronnie took his outrageous stage…

The Mark Order Podcast 004: Baseball and Battle

It’s Wednesday Night, You Know What That Means The crew is back and ready to entertain. After catching up with each other the crew somehow gets on to talking about baseball, and they name their top 3 baseball movies, then thanks to the Facebook Live feed go down a strange rabbit hole of baseball movies. Finally we shift gears into the world of AEW. Can AEW maintain 1 million viewers…

Shining Wizards 529: Tony Appreciation Night

Tony won the 2020 PPV Picks for the Year. So our punishment was to have a show dedicated to Tony. Matt and Kevin put together a star studded list of guests. We do very little pro wrestling talk, we kick off with some catching up, then its some talk about WWF VHS tapes and the recent releases before our first guest joins us. After some technical difficulties J George joins…

The Mark Order Podcast 003: Mike Tyson’s Punch Out

Its Wednesday, you know what that means Anthony & Kate are back to bring you all things AEW Talking AEW Dark Elevation, AEW Dark, Rankings, AEW News and Notes from the week and of course AEW Dynamite They take a deep dive into this week’s episode, from the best tag match in Dynamite History, to the TNT Championship Match and everything in between. It’s your must listen too show if…

Shining Wizards 528: LaGreca MANIA

Coming out of the busiest week of the wrestling year the boys are all back for another epic show. We are joined by our great friend and host of Busted Open Radio on SirusXM David LaGreca. We catch up with Dave on Busted Open, his ongoing feuds with Sami Callihan and Thunder Rosa, and of course Wrestlemania. We get a run in from one of Dave’s rivals as Thunder Rosa…

Radioactive Metal 650: Eargazm – interview with Eye and Ear Control Records

Band interviews rule. They’re the bread and butter of this show. There are a number of other facets of our beloved genre that don’t always get their just due. We’ve spoken to a number of these unsung heroes before; producers, authors/writers, record company dudes. Mr. Brad Skibinsky offers up something different. He’s a one man vinyl distributor behind Eye and Ear Control Records. Basically, he’s his own record shop and…