Wrestling Night in Canada 031: What If?

In the Marvel comic book world, the series “What If?” was a unique title asking what would happen if a certain significant event never happened. The Wonderful World of Professional Wrestling its own significant events that helped shape and mold what we enjoy today. With the recent criticisms AEW has been taking for signing past WWE greats, its time to point out that league jumping has been going on since…

Shining Wizards 539: Thought About It

It’s Monday Night, You Know What That Means The boys are back in town, Kevin is running behind as he’s on the way back from his weekend in AC. Matt and Tony catch up, break some balls, and kill time before Kevin arrives. Kevin recaps his weekend in AC, crushing it at the comedy show, seeing lots of familiar faces, making new friends, and experiencing wild wrestling. Plus a shaving…

Turnbuckle Throwbacks 411: Koppstradamus Walks Down Bad Street U.S.A.

The show opens with Jay and the chat room discussing the need for conspiracy theories. More WWE budget cuts, a review of last weeks “Hell In A Cell” PPV, and some NXT talk. MLW sells out in Philly and the Throwback for our 9th anniversary show is announced. This weeks Throwback in WCW’s “Clash Of The Champions XV” from June of 1991 Turnbuckle Throwbacks 411

Radioactive Metal 660: Lori’s Mom – “Metal Muthas” with Barbara Bravo

We’ve never hidden our love of Decibel magazine. We’ve been monthly readers/subscribers for years now. We’ve chatted about it endlessly and have interviewed contributors. A fave regular feature has been the Metal Muthas column, where the mother of a prominent artist is interviewed. Well…we thought we’d give it a go ourselves. Our fandom of legendary deathmongers Nuclear Death goes back decades. Our friendship with mainperson Lori Bravo has really blossomed…

Mark Order Podcast 013: Lucky Number 13

Anthony and Kate are back while Matt explores his new passion. The crew chats about some recent life events before getting a Little Tip of the Schlong as where they discuss AEW Dark Elevation & AEW Dark. After a brief commercial break, the team discusses Friday night AEW Dynamite. They break down each match, segment, and weigh in with our opinions and have a lot of laughs before talking about…

Shining Wizards 538: Best Budz

The Two Man Army starts the show talking some tales of Father’s Day activities. The wrestling talk starts with Impact and NWA as Tony and Kevin begin to wonder if Matt is a millionaire. Discussion switches to the origins of “booger eater” nickname for Trevor Murdoch which leads to a rather interesting discussion of snacking. Chad Minnes joins us to promote the upcoming Boardwalk Budz weekend in Atlantic City, where…

Radioactive Metal 659: Bare Bonez – interview with Yautja, guest host Lori Bravo

Unfortunately, this week Aaron was unable to join us. So with his blessing, your “Cool Uncle Snowy” set out and enlisted a suitable co host. Death Metal trailblazer (and good friend) Lori Bravo (ex-Nuclear Death) has dropped her amazing new solo album “Bare Bones”. So it made for a perfect opportunity to get her back on the show again. We discuss the new album, her almost relationship with Autopsy’s Chris…

Mark Order Podcast 012: A-E-Dubs and Strip Clubs

Anthony and Kate are back while Matt deals with some issues. The crew talks about the Main Event of Impact’s Against All Odds PPV before getting a Little Tip of the Schlong as we discuss AEW Dark Elevation & AEW Dark. After a brief commercial break, we talk about our broadcast setups and strip club antics before finally bringing it back to Friday night AEW Dynamite. We break down each…

Shining Wizards 537: Is That VSK

It’s Monday, You know what that means. The boys are back Tony’s got his Father’s Day Gift Early Matt is still dealing with the Tree Removal process, its a saga Kevin is back from his Major Figure Podcast Birthday Weekend Extravaganza Once we are all caught up we are talking Dynamite Kid Dark Side of the Ring, did they do anything to change Matt’s perspective of the Legend? Its on…