Shining Wizards 546: Dropping Bombs & Rok’s

Its Monday Night, you know what that means The Shining Wizards are back. Tony is in the Great Lakes or the Finger Lakes, but he’s not with us. Kate the Great from the Mark Order Podcast & Fightful sits in with us as we talk all things wrestling After the usual small talk we jump right into AEW Rampage and the huge title change that opened up the show, and…

Turnbuckle Throwbacks 417: Credit Card Bikers

This week the boys pay tribute to the great Dominic Denucci who passed away earlier this week. Phil complains about his overactive bladder while Jay brings another conspiracy theory regarding the latest alleged changes and talent cuts made in NXT and the Adam Cole contract negotiation. AEW has a new show beginning this week and why Tony Khan is batting .500 in the booking department. Talking all things current including…

Radioactive Metal 667: The Neighbour Of The Beast

Welcome to the week after The Big One! Following our monumental 666th episode, the music world celebrated another milestone. It was the 40th anniversary of the debut of MTV. Of course even in those early years MTV never meant much to Metal fans. Apart from the Headbanger’s Ball, the only thing of interest was the fact that some of the coolest vids were constantly being barred from airplay. So we…

Mark Order Podcast 020: Party of Four

Its Wednesday, You Know What That Means The Mark Order Podcast is back with another action packed episode talking all things All Elite Wrestling. Anthony, Kate & Schlong kick off the show talking all the AEW Youtube Shows, we got 3 this week. Matt returns from wherever he was, being a lumberjack, Cleveland, wherever. Schlong is made an offer he can’t refuse, and he officially becomes the 4th member of…

Shining Wizards 545: Kate from Fight Club

The boys are joined live in studio by Kate from Fightful and the Mark Order Podcast. Surprisingly, the show opens with NWA talk, where the room is split on opinions on the new NWA TV Champion Tyrus. Matt still doesn’t think Trevor Murdoch deserves a title show, but all questions will be answered at NWA73. Discussion finds its way to poop which leads to Mount Rushmores of poop collecting from…

Mark Order Podcast 019: Thank You For Being A Friend

Anthony and Kate are back with Ryan Schlong filling in for Matt while he is recovering from his newly discovered medical condition. The crew discusses AEW Dark Elevation & AEW Dark and some key matches to check out from those shows this week. After a brief commercial break, the team discusses AEW Dynamite Homecoming. They break down each match, segment, all the surprises, and weigh in with their opinions while…

Radioactive Metal 666: The Big One – interview with Aborted and celebrating episode 666

As one of the longest running podcasts (of any kind), Radioactive Metal continues to roll. Of course, only a Metal program would acknowledge episode 666 as a milestone. After 665 episodes, we are here – The Big One! To celebrate we got “the band back together” and tapped former co hort Roch to co host. We cracked open some bevies and reminisced about some of our fave memories. We go…

Shining Wizards 544: 4 STARS

We are back, with another hell of a Monday Night Show We are talking all things wrestling form the past week, the big Bray Wyatt release, and all the speculation around it Adam Cole isn’t signed after SummerSlam, Ric Flair got his release, where is Barry Windham? We somehow go down a Starrcade rabbit hole before jumping into NWA, the Championship Series, and NWA Powerrr Then its off to AEW…