The Shining Wizards 731: Hole in the Fence

The Shining Wizards Return with a jam packed episode. Hot off of the Elimination Chamber, they are joined by Kate from Fightful to talk about the John Cena heel turn and what it means for the Road To Wrestlemania. The boys also break down Elimination Chamber, update PPV picks and talk about Facebook Death Match Groups.

Back from the break, they preview AEW Revolution, talk a little AEW and then recap the weekend. Kevin talks about his trip to WrestlePro, Brundo & Tony give us the full rundown of Maccabiah Mania 3. Stories galore

Then its time for KJG vs Brundo in Can You Beat That?, which of course is full of controversy.

Then it’s homework time as we go back to Armageddon 2006 for the 4 Way Tag Team Ladder Match for the WWE Tag Team Titles

And Tony gives us Homework for next week, as we will be watching and talking about Starrcade 1994, Mr T vs Kevin Sullivan.

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