Radioactive Metal 801: JEJ R.I.P.

We just lost one of the greats in one James Earl Jones. It’s true doing a deep dive about a legendary actor is a bit out of our format. But we figured “Why not? Let’s embrace our geekhood and pay tribute to a man that has a large following in Metaldom.”

Unfortunately, Aaron could not join us this week. So we brought in a couple ringers. Matt Copper is no stranger to the show. We’ve had him on a few times and is the co host of our sister show Wrestling Night In Canada. He’s also a RAM alum. As well Snowy’s daughter Charity joins us. Both grew up with JEJ’ voice in their ears.

Musically, we crank some Satan, Lions Pride, Wolfbrigade, Thulsa Doom (duh), Immortal Bird, Acid Mass and D.V.C. (Darth Vader’s Church) (double duh).

Horns Up!

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